Ratings of players on GravityCraft

Top by econs
  • Only econs on the site in the player's profile are counted. Econs on servers are not included in the rating, because they are cleared during the vape, it is recommended to store them on the site.
  • The data is updated every 5 minutes.
  • # Nickname Econs
    1 Rayzero 630 430 966
    2 Strah_top 598 499 003
    3 The1st 291 997 686
    4 Bananza 280 435 260
    5 _Shezmu_ 224 437 556
    6 diawatch 197 637 822
    7 ascend4ncyyy 157 611 919
    8 Neomela 148 301 251
    9 vovar1998 141 423 458
    10 WirCycle 137 383 304
    11 NikiNester 125 164 361
    12 ChoNado8 118 676 863
    13 Templair 115 235 175
    14 Vadusha 104 788 781
    15 MidgardWorker 83 782 695
    16 satonagrad 81 825 085
    17 stalker_21439 78 071 442
    18 Utopiall 72 020 194
    19 Tesla 70 131 330
    20 _DesiRe_ 65 473 599
    21 a_vladis_lav 65 293 424
    22 legenchik 62 930 307
    23 KaraKurt 62 141 175
    24 MaksimusD 60 861 982
    25 TotMaxim 58 048 442
    26 Tley 55 748 393
    27 DimaSergeevich 55 241 905
    28 MPod 55 199 880
    29 Govza 54 923 841
    30 _Panacea 50 130 274
    31 Zum4ik2 45 862 171
    32 by4a 42 532 969
    33 Flipendo 40 522 864
    34 KiLLiNSeL 40 353 603
    35 Dovenand 40 178 404
    36 Baker 39 856 222
    37 Neznakomka 39 551 133
    38 mdav 38 685 533
    39 TPSK 38 404 299
    40 Snopy0817 36 593 332
    41 CTPAHHUK 36 060 941
    42 MirOLoM 34 666 233
    43 GCranK 34 648 955
    44 shik 34 573 397
    45 DiedLastWeek 34 413 106
    46 Leito 34 227 000
    47 Tuwkan4ik 33 297 646
    48 MrHellCat 32 777 361
    49 White_Crow 32 411 315
    50 RioDander 32 191 596