This is a techno-magical server on version 1.20.1, which contains popular technical and magical modifications, including Industrial Craft 3, ported by our team. The server is distinguished by its emphasis on technical development, so if you love technical builds, but want to diversify your survival with magic, then the build is definitely for you!

Server Features
Game Version:  1.20.1
PVP Mode:  Included
Date of the server #1 wipe:  28.02.2025
Date of the server #2 wipe:  24.01.2025
World:  20000х20000
Nether World:  5000х5000
Ender World:  Unlimited
Other worlds:  5000х5000
Updating the world by the player:  9х9 chunks
Wipe of additional worlds:  15th of each month
Modification list
Client (including optional in the Launcher)
Client Tweaks
Dynamic Lights Reforged
Mouse Tweaks
The One Probe
Advanced Finders
Advanced Mining Dimension
AIOT Botania
Applied Botanics
Applied Energistics 2
Applied Mekanistics
Chunk Loaders
Draconic Evolution
End's Delight
Extreme Reactors 2
Farmer's Delight
Industrial Craft 3
Industrial Foregoing
Metal Barrels
Nether's Delight
Oh The Biomes We've Gone
Ocean's Delight
Online Picture Frame
Simple Voice Chat
Thermal Expansion
Thermal Foundation
Thermal Innovation
Thermal Integration
Vampires Need Umbrellas
Vampirism Integrations
Wireless Terminals
Description of main modifications
Adds a new block with which you can move to a dimension that consists only of mines and dungeons. As usual, all ores, mobs and structures are spawned in it, but there is no upper part (of the ordinary world), only dark caves. In this dimension, it is quite convenient to extract minerals.
Advanced Finders
Adds three compasses that will help you search for minerals, pointing towards the nearest valuable resource that you are looking for, as well as notifying you of large ore deposits.
Ars Nouveau
A large magic mod that allows you to create your own spells and magical artifacts, perform various rituals and much more.
Applied Energistics 2
Allows you to automate crafts and store a huge amount of resources in the so-called ME network. Video Guide
Applied Botanics - Adds integration with the Botania mod.
Applied Mekanistics - Adds integration with the Mekanism mod.
ExtendedAE - Adds advanced AE2 items.
MEGA Cells - Adds extended storage cards.
Wireless Terminals - Wireless terminal for remote connection to your ME network.
Adds powerful weapons and armor, with very expensive recipes to create them. Mainly used to complicate crafts in other modifications.
Blood Magic
Adds a new source of energy - blood. Players can sacrifice their health or the health of mobs to create this energy. It can be used on the altar or in the alchemy rack to create items or potions. It is also used as fuel for rituals and spells that can damage enemies, create items, summon meteorites with ores, and more.
Modification, which is based on the use of mana - magical energy produced by flowers. With the help of special flowers and mana you can create new items, produce powerful armor and tools. In the mod there is a large variety of rings and equipment, making it easier to survive and dig in the mines. Video Guide
AIOT Botania - Adds convenient multi-tools.
Chunk Loaders
Adds chunk loaders to the game, which can be improved. Loaders will load your private depending on their level. While you are taking a break from the game or running around the world, the mechanisms and mobs on your base will be loaded. Loaders do not have crafting, they can only be purchased in the store on the project's website.
Draconic Evolution
Adds powerful tools, armor, various mechanisms and the dragon of Chaos, a powerful boss in the Ender world. The mod is also notable for its mechanics with the spawning of mobs, a stabilized spawner that can produce mobs whose souls are knocked out by the weapons in this mod.
Adds buildings with dungeons to the generation of the world, whose location, size and loot inside will be random. With this mod, every time you go on a trip, you will find something new.
A convenient elevator ported from OpenBlocks to new versions.
Extreme Reactors
A port of the popular Big Reactors mod. It adds multi-block structures - reactors and turbines, which at an early stage of development will help to generate a large amount of RF energy.
Ender IO
It adds convenient pipes to the game for transferring objects, liquids and energy, and also contains useful mechanisms. It includes automatic farms for growing crops, electric spawners for production mobs. Video Guide
Ender Chests
Adds an ender chest and an ender bag. You can craft several ender chests and combine them into a system: you need to put a chest, and use dyes to change the colors on the gray "stripes", several systems of chests will appear, which is very useful for transferring objects over long distances.
Ender Tanks - Adds an ender tank and an ender bucket.
Farmer's Delight
It adds the possibility of farming, cooking, various methods of fertilizing the soil, as well as decorative blocks in a farm style.
End's Delight - Adds culinary content related to the Ender world.
Nether's Delight - Adds culinary content related to the Nether.
Ocean's Delight - Adds culinary content related to the Ocean.
Flux Networks
It allows you to create an energy storage in your world, transfer energy wirelessly, including to other dimensions.
FTB Quests
Adds a quest system with rewards. To open quests, use the button ~(`).
A self-written modification that adds different types of backpacks with the option to configure filters and working modes. Wiki
Immersive Engineering
Adds a lot of beautiful multi-block structures in a retro-futuristic style. For example, you can assemble an excavator, find a vein of resources, and mine them for a long time in huge amounts.
Industrial Craft 3
Fork of popular mod Industrial Craft 2 from developer GravityCraft. The main features are: transition of the mod to RF-energy, combining into one mod such addons as GraviSuite, ASP, ComboArmors, fix the vajra, drill and other tools, introducing new singular tools, armor and weapons, and modules that can upgrade the mechanisms several times. Video Guide , Wiki
Industrial Foregoing
An analogue of the MineFactory mod on the new version. Adds a variety of mechanisms that automate a number of tasks, including processing farms, animals, plants, ores, etc. For example, you can automatically fish, shear sheep, harvest crops and sow beds.
Iron Chests
Adds advanced chests made from different materials like iron, gold, diamonds. These chests have more slots for storing your resources.
It adds a multi—stage ore processing system, the organization of automatic production, gases, as well as a new resource - osmium. This modification uses a universal energy system, that is, machines from Mekanism can use energy from any other modification.
Metal Barrels
An analog of the Iron Chests mod. Adds metal barrels, the capacity of which can be improved. They are perfect for furnishing a warehouse in the house.
Nature's Compass
Adds a natural compass to the game that will help you find a specific biome and show you information about it.
Oh The Biomes We've Gone
Adds new biomes to the world, and adds new unique mobs, structures, and hundreds of blocks to use.
Online Picture Frame
Adds the option to output any picture from the Internet into the game. Using a large number of blocks from this modification can lead to a decrease in your FPS. Use this mod wisely.
Productive Bees
Adds a variety of new bees that can produce diamonds, gold and other useful resources.
Reap Mod
It allows you to easily cut down an entire tree, but only if it is the lower block of the trunk that is destroyed. If you cut down an entire tree, then the strength of the tool is spent on all the destroyed blocks of the tree. It also allows you to collect grown plants through the PCM without re-planting. by simply clicking on them.
Simple Voice Chat
Adds a voice chat. To open the settings, use the button (V)
Storage Drawers
Adds drawers for storing items. They do not have the usual inventory, to put an item - take them in your hand and click on the drawer with the right mouse button, to pick up - click on the block with the left mouse button. Very handy at the early stage of progression.
Adds a huge amount of animated and functional decorations that perfectly fit into the vanilla style of the game.
Thermal Expansion
Adds mechanisms to the game for the processing and production of resources that run on RF energy, which can be produced in different ways.
Thermal Foundation - Adds to the world generation of new ores like silver, tin, etc.
Thermal Innovation - Adds injections and new types of drills.
Trash Cans
Adds trash bins into which you can direct excess items, liquids, and even energy to be removed.
From now on, you can become a vampire, and it will change your life beyond recognition. Previously, you could live separately from mobs, but now you will need to constantly quench your thirst for blood. And also, the higher your level, the stronger your character will become.
Vampires Need Umbrellas - Adds umbrellas for vampires.
Godly Vampirism - Fixes some bugs of the mod.
Vampirism Integrations - Adds integration with other mods.
Werewolves - Adds a new faction - werewolves, who look like humans during the day and turn into ferocious wolves at night.
Adds a network cable with which you can instantly transport objects, liquids, energy and information over very long distances.
XNet Gases - Adds compatibility with gases of the Mekanism mod.